What Is Plagiarism?

When writing a dissertation, you have to ensure everything you are producing is handled in your own words. This means you have to avoid plagiarism in order for your work to succeed.

Plagiarism is the action of taking someone else’s work and passing it off as your own. That is, you are essentially using that person’s work without permission and are not even crediting that person for the original content. The existing idea that someone else has come up with is being presented as something completely new.

This is a fraudulent action in that you are essentially stealing something that another person has done. You are telling people that you completed a certain task even though you did absolutely nothing for it. This is a significant problem that is often grounds for dismissal from various schools.

What Examples Are There?

There are a number of examples of plagiarism:

  • The most common form of plagiarism involves taking someone else’s work and passing it off as your own. This entails just directly copying something from another person.
  • You could also copy someone else’s words without using proper citation or crediting standards.
  • You may also give incorrect information on a particular source that you got the content from.
  • Simply forgetting to use proper quotation marks when trying to list a quotation in your work counts as plagiarism.

How Can It Be Found?

Many online and computer programs are being used today to help with identifying cases of plagiarism. The Copyscape online content review site is an especially popular spot. This site identifies duplicate content in a number of forms.

The Turnitin program and system has also been used over the years. This prominent online service is used by many schools to identify various duplicate concerns in papers.

How to Avoid Plagiarism

Naturally, the best thing you can do to avoid plagiarism is to simply do your own work. But there are a few other things that you can do in particular:

  • Use the proper citation standards when referencing different materials. This includes listing the precise section of a certain publication or other space that you got a quote from.
  • Always use quotations when you’re directly referencing something. Don’t forget to add the proper citation at the end of that quote.
  • Put whatever you wish to reference in your own words. This is for when you are not planning on directly listing something.
  • Be ready to cite yourself if you are going to incorporate your own original material into a dissertation. This includes information on any kinds of research that you have completed on your own.

By using these proper strategies, it will be easier for you to complete an original paper. You must make sure you put in your own work while ensuring that anything you use from outside sources is properly cited. It will be easier for you to succeed if you simply think about what you can do to get your paper to stand out.